Hi, I’m Sam
My journey started a long time ago, around 2009 when I got my first camera, and it was a cheap point-and-shoot. I did not realize it then, but after some years I started to realize, what I could do with A camera. I would use my iPhone until I got my first real camera and fell even more in love with photography. What started as a way to escape the world became a passion I have worked hard to perfect my craft. I have worked hard to make it my life's work to give only the best photographs. I want to show and give people photos, that have A lasting memory for years to come.
In 2020 I fell even more in love with photography, and I have never looked back. I am happy I did not look back. I was not the best at school I never liked it, was not for me, but I went to college for business administration and hated it, but I had this one class for photography, and it has taught me more than I could ever imagine. I never thought that in 23 years, I did find something I am good at and have this much passion for I am beyond happy with what I have done with it already, and I cannot wait for years to come with more opportunities to learn and grow. To become the best that I can become.